Hallo zusammen,
im Rahmen meiner Masterarbeit untersuche ich die Nutzung von Stack Overflow. Da meine Studie sich an Programmierer richtet (sowohl Anfänger, als auch Professionelle Programmierer), würde ich mich freuen, wenn Sie meine Umfrage in Ihrem Forum posten könnten.
Anbei meine Studie:
We launched an online experiment on Stack Overflow usage conducted at University Innsbruck, Austria. We have mocked certain Stack Overflow scenarios in Python for that. Please participate here: https://lnkd.in/e-pQ-NsS Among all participants, we raffle two 50 EUR Amazon vouchers!
Stack Overflow is a widely used question and answer (Q&A) platform for software developers. We conduct an online experiment in which the behavior when using Stack Overflow, is investigated. Novice, as well as experienced programmers of all programming languages, are invited to participate.
In this online experiment, we have mocked certain Stack Overflow scenarios in Python.
The experiment can be accessed via the following link: https://lnkd.in/eDEjXWbV
It is recommended to open the link via laptop or PC (tested with Google Chrome and Firefox).
Please note that the experiment participation is now possible at any time, but only up to 19.12.2021 12:00. The participation takes about 15 minutes. I would like to #python #programming point out that the guidelines of good ethical research stipulate that participation is voluntary and anonymous and that all data collected will, of course, be treated confidentially.
Among all participants who want to participate, 2x50? Amazon vouchers will be raffled.
Würde mich freuen, wenn Sie meine Arbeit unterstützen könnten.
Beste Grüße Maria Kirchner